‘Tis the season for leisurely lazing and for parading about in finery that's nothing short of amazing! The patio is no place for sloppy regalia. Au contraire! The occasion begs for celebratory paraphernalia. It's best to dress in various layers; a ritual exercised by only the most seasoned patio players. You'd never step foot on the patio without the perfect caftan. I'm thinking that special vintage one Aunty brought back from Pakistan. A proper patio is equipped with an appropriately shaded zone meant for long term lounging on a chaise-like throne! No stint on the patio is complete without leisure entertainment, such as a good book and a handful of cocktails for necessary sustainment. A hand-held spray fan is an absolute must should you go topless you'll want to cool off that bust! And there you have it: the patio uniform demystified; consider it your how-to-properly-leisure guide!" -Mrs. Lilien
{studio and backyard}
{studio and pomegranate tree!}
Is this your place in Tucson?? It's preposterously charming and I love it! What a gem - can't wait to see it!